
ESP32 High Temperature Monitoring Thermocouple Kit

Original price was: $34.95.Current price is: $24.95.

Engine Doctor EGT Thermocouple ESP32 Kit mkme.org
Engine Doctor EGT Thermocouple ESP32 Kit mkme.org

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Engine Doctor ESP32 Wifi with Arduino DIY Kit

A fun DIY Arduino ESP32 Kit you can use to monitor temperature with a high temp thermocouple.  Useful for exhaust gas monitoring, engine tuning, BBQ/smoker monitoring and much more.

Parts Included

  • ESP32 Lolin Lite  microcontroller pre-programmed with Engine Doctor firmware (files below)
  • Thermocouple with MAX31855 Interface board
  • BMP280 Temperature and Pressure Sensor (for monitoring ambient)
  • Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

Code and instructions on GitHub here: MKme/Engine-Doctor: ESP32 monitor of critical engine performance parameters/sensors (github.com)

n ESP32 microcontroller with a high temp thermocouple interface you can mount in or stick to any surface you want to measure.

The ESP32 makes its own Wifi AP (shows up as Engine Doctor wifi network) you can log in to with your phone- open any browser to the IP in the pic and it will graph the data real time asynchronously on the web page as long as its powered on.

Also has a separate BMP280 temp/baro sensor that will be in the box enclosure or you could remote mount it in an airbox or anywhere you desire.  You can swap this yourself for a BME280 and use the other code I provided to get humidity measurement too!

Lipo battery (not included) plugs in to ESP32 and is charged by USB https://amzn.to/3kI5tL8

NOT Included:

  • 1S Lipo battery
  • Case

Files for a 3D printable case are included on GitHub for you.  You can also make one from any type of enclosure you wish.

Upload the board (if you get any errors make sure you have installed the Adafruit libraries for the BMP or for BMP280: https://github.com/MartinL1/BMP280_DEV#bmp280_dev_library

Upload web page files Spiffs using the command “Tools> ESP32 Sketch Data Upload”

How to Use It

  • Install the thermocouple where you would like to monitor (use a magnet mount if desired)
  • Power on the EngineDoctor
  • Connect to EngineDoctor Wifi with your phone or tablet (no password required)
  • Open your web broswer to this url:
  • Watch the live values in real time while you test/tune!
  • Adjust the code if desired to alter the sample display rate (currently 1hz)

Full video here:

Main 1 – YouTube


Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 4 × 1 in

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