The Next Generation in Virtual Reality

ScentVR adds real world smells in to your virtual reality experience. It works with ALL games and ALL headsets. No special equipment required!

Maximum Immersion

Feel like you are there

ScentVR uses a proprietary algorithm to mimic real life experiences by dispersing smells at realistic strengths and intervals.

Easy to use

Simply plug in the unit and add your favorite smells to the scent reservoirs. ScentVR is compatible with all scents available from any supplier!

Dual Interface

Adjust the intensity of your experience by setting the desired level on the unit itself or use the optional web browser interface from within your headset!

What you get


ScentVR base unit with 6 individual scent modules capable of replicating the real world smells around you


Sample scents included to get you started right away!


Adjustable intensity control with optional web interface accessed from the browser in your headset!


Hundreds of free recipes, how-to instructions and 3D printable design files at

Adding smells to virtual reality

Customer Reviews

It's Amazing!
Matt - BMFVR
Garth Howe


ScentVR pairs perfectly with any VR system while adding incredible realism to all games and simulations. You can get started in under 5 minutes!

Ready to experience VR like never before?

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